Empty Nester? Want to downsize?

Empty Nester? Want to downsize? 

I can Help get you into your new Home!! 

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An "empty nester" is someone whose children have grown up and left home, often leaving the parent with more space than they need. Downsizing is the process of moving to a smaller home or getting rid of excess belongings to simplify your living space. Here are some tips for downsizing as an empty nester:

  1. Start with a plan: Take a good look at your current living space and make a plan for what you want to keep, sell, or donate. Consider factors such as location, cost, and lifestyle needs.

  2. Assess your belongings: Determine what you really need and what can be sold, donated, or discarded. Consider the size and functionality of your new living space when deciding what to keep.

  3. Sell or donate items: Host a yard sale, use online platforms like Facebook, Marketplace, or donate unwanted items to charity.

  4. Consider storage solutions: If you have items that you want to keep but don't have space for in your new home, consider renting a storage unit.

  5. Measure your new space: Make sure you measure the rooms and spaces in your new home to ensure that your existing furniture and belongings will fit.

  6. Hire professionals: Consider hiring a Real Estate Agent, a moving company, or an organizer to help with the downsizing process.

  7. Embrace the change: Downsizing can be an emotional process, but try to embrace the change and focus on the benefits of simplifying your life and enjoying a new home that better fits your needs. I can Help You Get Moved!!

Debbie Blesi 

EXIT Reality Nexus


Debbie Blesi
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