Home Buying 101:  What is a Mortgage Escrow?
Debbie Blesi 1 year ago

A mortgage escrow account is an account established by a mortgage lender to hold funds collected from a homeowner to pay for property taxes, homeowner's insurance, and other related expenses. The following items are typically included in a mortgage escrow account:

Property taxes: The lender will collect a portion of the homeowner's property taxes each month and hold them in escrow until the tax bill is due. Homeowner's insurance: The lender will collect a portion of the homeowner's insuranc...
Home buying 101: What are closing costs
Debbie Blesi 1 year ago

At some point during the process of buying a home, the buyer will come across the term "closing costs." Closing costs are expenses incurred during the purchase of a property that are not included in the sale price. These costs are typically paid at the time of closing and can add up to thousands of dollars. Typically we use 3.5% of the accepted offer price as a rule of thumb. Check with your lender for the most accurate number. As a buyer, it's important to understand what items are included in...
Home Buying 101: The Mortgage Process
Debbie Blesi 1 year ago

Home Buying 101: The Mortgage Process

If you are thinking about buying a home, then understanding the home buying mortgage process is essential. Mortgages are loans that are taken out to buy a property, and they are a major financial commitment that requires careful consideration. In this article, we will explain the home buying mortgage process step-by-step, so that you can make informed decisions about your home purchase.

Step 1: Pre-Approval The first step in the home buying mortgage process...
Empty Nester? Want to downsize?
Debbie Blesi 1 year ago

Empty Nester? Want to downsize? 

I can Help get you into your new Home!! 

Call me 763-221-5165

An "empty nester" is someone whose children have grown up and left home, often leaving the parent with more space than they need. Downsizing is the process of moving to a smaller home or getting rid of excess belongings to simplify your living space. Here are some tips for downsizing as an empty nester:

Start with a plan: Take a good look at your current living space and make a plan for what you wan...
I want to Buy a Home, Now WHAT??
Debbie Blesi 8 years ago


  On the first step to owning a home.

Having the desire to buy is half the battle.

Next is to get a PreAppoval from a Mortgage Lender. 

Meet Jane Johanns With Market Place Home Mortgage


If you are interested in getting a pre approval with this lender Fill out this form Now.

This will help you to find out what you can afford in a home. Keep in mind what you can afford may not be what you would like to spend. If you would like to find out your payment amount Mortgage Calc...
Debbie Blesi
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