Today in Real Estate Get The Skinny
Debbie Blesi 2 months ago

Today In Real Estate Get The Skinny 


Our inventory remains low, but there's a promising sign as more homes are hitting the market early. Pending sales have surged by 8.0% compared to the previous month, marking the most significant increase since 2020. This is a positive turn of events! The rise in activity hints at a brighter market outlook. With the warmer weather and a slight dip in mortgage rates, more homebuyers are re-entering the market. In fact, home sales have spiked by 18% compared...
Hear Ye Hear Ye
Debbie Blesi 8 months ago



By golly, Dear Sir or Madam, I implore thee to seeketh the assistance of a trustworthy Realtor! Pray, dost thou have a Realtor in thy locality or perchance one with whom thou art already acquainted? This esteemed individual shall carry out a home valuation to apprise thee of the current value of thy abode in the housing market of today. Furthermore, she shall serve as thy guide through the convoluted process of selling thy dwelling, thereby ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience for...
Unique opportunities for buyers and sellers
Debbie Blesi 10 months ago


As a long time Minnesota Realtor, I have witnessed firsthand the dynamic and ever-changing nature of the Twin Cities housing market. In this blog, we will explore the current state of the market, shedding light on recent trends, challenges, and opportunities for both buyers and sellers. Whether you are looking to make a move or simply stay informed about the local real estate scene, this article aims to provide valuable insights into the Twin Cities housing market.

The Impact of Interest Rat...
How to Access your Home's Value Before Selling
Debbie Blesi 1 year ago



The Key to Selling Success: How to Assess Your Home's Value before Listing. 

How to Determine the Value of Your Home Before Listing It for Sale

As a homeowner looking to sell your property, it's important to know how much your home is worth in today's market. This will help you set a realistic goal and price your home correctly. Keep in mind that home values can fluctuate based on various factors, such as location and the overall condition of the home. To determine your home's value, it's b...
Helping your Parents to down size and get ready to move
Debbie Blesi 1 year ago


How Older Parents Can Downsize: Selling their Home and Moving to a Townhome or Apartment

As parents grow older, they may find that the home they've lived in for years no longer suits their needs. With the children grown up and moved out, maintaining a large family home can become more of a burden than a joy. Many older parents choose to downsize by selling their home and moving to a smaller, more manageable townhome or apartment. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of downsizing, the...
Embracing Change: The Emotional Process of Selling Your Family Home
Debbie Blesi 1 year ago

Embracing change: The Emotional Process of Selling the Family Home

Selling the family home is a significant life event that can be emotionally challenging for many people. Whether it's due to downsizing, relocating, or dealing with a deceased estate, the process can bring up feelings of grief, loss, and nostalgia. In this article, we'll explore the steps involved in selling a family home and offer some practical tips to make the process more manageable.

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings

Before embark...
A Parents decision to sell the family home can be emotional
Debbie Blesi 1 year ago


The decision to sell a family home can be an emotional experience for parents. It often represents a significant change in their lives and can trigger a range of feelings, including sadness, nostalgia, and anxiety about the future.

Selling a family home can bring up memories of the past, especially if the home has been in the family for many years. Parents may feel a sense of loss as they let go of a place that has been a central part of their lives, where they raised their children, and crea...
Debbie Blesi
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