Hear Ye Hear Ye
Debbie Blesi 9 months ago



By golly, Dear Sir or Madam, I implore thee to seeketh the assistance of a trustworthy Realtor! Pray, dost thou have a Realtor in thy locality or perchance one with whom thou art already acquainted? This esteemed individual shall carry out a home valuation to apprise thee of the current value of thy abode in the housing market of today. Furthermore, she shall serve as thy guide through the convoluted process of selling thy dwelling, thereby ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience for...
Helping your Parents to down size and get ready to move
Debbie Blesi 1 year ago


How Older Parents Can Downsize: Selling their Home and Moving to a Townhome or Apartment

As parents grow older, they may find that the home they've lived in for years no longer suits their needs. With the children grown up and moved out, maintaining a large family home can become more of a burden than a joy. Many older parents choose to downsize by selling their home and moving to a smaller, more manageable townhome or apartment. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of downsizing, the...
MYTHS About Today's Housing Market
Debbie Blesi 1 year ago

MYTHS About Today's Housing Market 


Some Highlights

 * If you’re planning to buy or sell a home today, it’s important to be aware of common        misconceptions.                                                                                                                   * Whether it’s timing your purchase as a buyer based on home prices and mortgage           rates or knowing    what to upgrade or repair before listing your house as a seller,             it takes a professional to guid...
Home Buying 101:  What is a Mortgage Escrow?
Debbie Blesi 1 year ago

A mortgage escrow account is an account established by a mortgage lender to hold funds collected from a homeowner to pay for property taxes, homeowner's insurance, and other related expenses. The following items are typically included in a mortgage escrow account:

Property taxes: The lender will collect a portion of the homeowner's property taxes each month and hold them in escrow until the tax bill is due. Homeowner's insurance: The lender will collect a portion of the homeowner's insuranc...
Home Buying 101: The Importance of a Title Company
Debbie Blesi 1 year ago

What is a Title Company Used for During a Closing?

As a homebuyer, you may have heard of a title company, but do you really know what they do? In short, a title company is essential for a successful home closing. In this article, we will explain the role of a title company during a home closing, and why it is important to choose the right one.

What is a Title Company?

A title company is a third-party agency that handles the closing process of a real estate transaction. The primary function of a...
Home Buying 101: The closing
Debbie Blesi 1 year ago


The closing process on a new home typically involves several steps to finalize the sale and transfer of ownership from the seller to the buyer. Here are some of the key steps that may be involved:

Review and sign the purchase agreement: This is the legal contract that outlines the terms of the sale, including the purchase price, contingencies, and other important details. Obtain a home inspection: Before closing on the home, it's important to have it inspected by a professional to identif...
Home Buying 101: Your offer's accepted -Now What
Debbie Blesi 1 year ago


Once you are done jumping for JOY that your offer has been accepted, the next steps will depend on the specifics of the agreement and the nature of the purchase. Generally speaking, however, here are some common steps that may follow:

Payment: The earnest money that is used as a good faith payment must be made. Payment can be electronically, a handwritten personal check or cashiers check can be sent. The Earnest money will be sent u...
Debbie Blesi
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